Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Celiac Disease Clinical Trial

Do you or someone you know have Celiac Disease? 

Follow a Gluten-free diet?
Still experiencing symptoms when exposed to gluten?
Interested in Celiac Research?

The purpose of the research study is to look at how effective and safe an investigational medication is when it is given to subjects who have Celiac Disease. The study will include people who have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease and have been on a gluten-free diet for 12 months or more before study entry.

You may qualify for the study if you:
• Are between the ages of 18 and 75 and have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease
• Have biopsy proven Celiac Disease and positive serology test results for 12 months or more before study entry
• Have been on a gluten-free diet for 12 months or more before study entry
• Are still experiencing symptoms when exposed to gluten
• Have positive serum anti-tTG (IgA or IgG) or DGP (IgA or IgG) antibodies at screening
• Are willing to maintain your current diet for the duration of the study
• Satisfy other inclusion criteria

 For more information call 336.714.7672 or visit www.pmgofwinstonsalem.com